The Do You Believe clothing range was established in 2024 by Jamie Blackford a underground street magician from the West Midlands.
He started out just getting items made for himself with Undergrpund Ace ( his performing alter ego ) to wear out whilst performing
And very quickly people fell in love with his slogan ... Do You Believe and was constantly being asked where it could be purchased from
Then mixed with his passion for designer clothing brands a concoction started brewing in his brain and quickly started producing quality clothing for other people to purchase.
Here at DYB we have something for everyone's budget and taste so everyone gets to enjoy our designs.
The Underground Ace range features the Underground Ace logo aswell as the Do You Believe slogans.
The Little Ace range of clothing was the idea of his 9 year old son ( Little Ace a mini magician ) and feature his logo and his slogan ... Are You Watching Closely.
This range is exclusive to kids and are very cool funky and colourful and also sometimes have a collaboration and feature the Do You Believe slogan aswell.
The Gold Label is our luxurious high end clothing that are made from the finest quality clothing we can find all are Dtf printed or embroidered to a very high standard and also features our Gold Label inside and if suitable to the item placed on the outside aswell.
And if you've got this far thanks for reading our story it's much appreciated ...
Now get shopping and remember ....
Anything is possible ....
If You Believe ....... Do You ?